Breakfast is very very important! Your brain works badly if you don't have breakfast. If you don't have enough time or you don't feel to eat something big, you can make toast! Here are some recipes for nutritionally balanced and good taste toast!
1. Eco-toast
(1) Bake the bread on the pan
(2) Grind walnuts with olive oil and salt.
(3) Slice tomatoes and onions. (Onion should be fried)
(4) Put (2) on the bread then also put lettuce, tomatoes and onion.
2. Apple-Cheese toast
(1) Put cheese on the bread and put that in the microwave for 30 secs.
(2) Grind apples.
(3) Boil the grinded apples with cinnamon.
(4) Put (3) on the (1)
3. Egg toast
(1) Put mayonnaise on the bread
(2) Put the egg on (1)
(3) Put (2) in the microwaves for 60 secs.
4. Banana toast
(1) Slice the banana
(2) Put (1) on the pan with black sugar.
(3) Put (2) on the bread.
(4) Put cinnamon on it.
What do you think? It's easy enough to make right now!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Do U want special TOAST?; Here are 4 types of special Toast♥
작성자: All that food 시간: 11:51 PM 태그: easy food 1 개의 댓글Friday, April 16, 2010
Corona Extra : the top selling imported beer in the U.S
작성자: All that food 시간: 9:07 PM 태그: alcohol 2 개의 댓글Manufacturer : Grupo Modelo
Introduced : 1925 in Mexico City, Mexico
Alcohol by volume : 4.6%
Style : Light beer
Corona (labeled Corona Extra) is a brand of pale lager owned and produced by Cerveceria Modelo in Mexico. This beer is available in over 150 countries and is the top-selling beer in Mexico and is one of the top selling beers worldwide.
Outside of Mexico, Corona is often served with a wedge of citrus fruit, usually lime , occasionally lemon, inserted into the neck of the bottle. Within Mexico, especially in the south, Corona served with lime is not uncommon, but is not considered mandatory.
This beer is basically bottled unlikely a famous Japanese beer,Ashai, which is canned. You can feel the taste of exotic Mexican taste first, but the sourness of Lemon lasts for a while as long as you have the beer with lemon which is quite common recipe for Corona.
Corona always has impressive ads which we can feel being in a dessert island or being on holiday. Therefore, we can feel something special with Corona, the beer doesn't have deep taste and aroma though.
Their light and soft taste is the reason why everyone doesn't hate Corona and everyone easily enjoys this. I know this is not the best beer of which I can think, but I would love to say this is one of the most enjoyable beers. For that reason, I recommend this beer for your parties!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wanna Have a Barbecue! You Should Try Kabab-e Barg!!!
작성자: All that food 시간: 8:05 PM 태그: Turkish food 0 개의 댓글Kabab-e Barg Recipe
barbequed lamb or beef
Makes 6 Servings
fillet of lamb, 1 kg
extra-virgin olive oil, 1/2 cup
3 onions, grated
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
6 medium tomatos
saffron, 1/2 teaspoon (optional)
black pepper
sumac (optional)
Prepare marinade: mix olive oil, onions, garlic, saffron, salt and black pepper. Cut lamb into 1 cm thick and 4-5 cm long pieces. Do not remove all the fat as you will need it to melt. Marinate overnight (preferrably 24 hours) in refrigerator. Container should be covered.
Thread lamb on long, thin metal skewers. Thread whole tomatoes separately on another skewer. Brush with marinade. Barbeque for about 5-10 minutes on each side, turning frequently. Kabab Barg can also be made in the oven. Prepare as before, pre-heat the grill to a high temperature, and place just under the grill, again turning frequently. Serve hot with basmati rice or on middle-eastern bread. If served with rice, some sumac may be sprinkled on.
Try it and you will enjoy it!!!
Irish Coffee : Alcohol & Coffee at same time :D
작성자: Anthony 시간: 7:01 PM 태그: alcohol 1 개의 댓글

Have you ever tried Irish coffee?
- One Irish Coffee glass (preferably with shamrocks and a gold rim),failing that, any smallish glass about 5 or 6 fl. oz.
- One long shot of good espresso
- Two fingers of decent Irish Whiskey (Jameson or Bushmills)
- Two tablespoons brown sugar
- FRESH heavy cream, laced with a dollop of white sugar, beaten until it's the consistency of custard, but not whipped to fluffiness. In Madrid they refer to this heavy thick sweet cream as "nata".
- Have everything prepared and ready before you start assembling as time is of the essence. Get your nata prepared and keep it nice and cold.
- Pour the whiskey and brown sugar into the Irish Whiskey glass together.
- Then use the espresso steamer to heat the whiskey until it is good and hot and the brown sugar is dissolved, about eight to ten seconds.
- CAREFULLY put a match or lighter to the glass and flame the whiskey for a few seconds. This adds a je ne sais quoi to the flavor, and cuts down the alcohol, bringing the caffeine and alcohol into perfect balance.
- Pull your shot, and dump it into the whiskey/brown sugar mixture. Between the espresso and the whiskey, your glass should be about 3/4 full (that's why you don't want to use a real big glass).
- Carefully lay down a carpet of the "nata" over the warm coffee/whiskey mixture right to the top of the glass. Then, before the nata gets warmed up, enjoy the cool, rich cream juxtaposed against the hot, strong coffee/whiskey.
There is also nice Irish coffee store In San francisco. It's called 'Buena Vista" If you haven't tried yet. You should go and try. It is the best coffee I ever had :D I will post the direction.
2765 Hyde St (@ Beach)
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-474-5044
M-F 9am-2am, Weekends 8am-2am
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Chicken & Beer! ; an unchanging truth
작성자: Sujin 시간: 7:11 PM 태그: Side dish 1 개의 댓글 Oh-My-God. I'm almost excited just by thinking it. When weather is so hot and you are so thirsty and hungry, like after a concert finished, especially at night, you might carve this beautiful combination, cold beer and fried chicken.
Recognized by most, the best partner with beer fried chickens are probably consumed amazingly as so beer. So internationally there are a variety of kinds of chicken cooking. I'm going to introduce a very popular chicken cooking in Korea, Fried chicken with spicy seasoning!
▷ Ingredients
- popcorn chicken (for your convenience. If you don't mind, please prepare chicken and flour and buttermilk for frying chicken.)
- Red pepper paste 2 and half spoons
- Ketchup 2 spoons
- Soy sauce 2 and half spoons
- Vinegar 1 and half spoons
- Strawberry jam 2 spoons
- Sugar 1 and half spoons
- Starch syrup 1 spoon
- Ginger powder 1/2 small spoon
- Crushed garlic 2 spoons
- Copped 1/4 onion
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The best food for hungry night! ; Quick Rabokgi (Ramen + Rice cake)
작성자: All that food 시간: 11:23 PM 태그: Korean food 4 개의 댓글
"Quick Rabokgi"
Ramen, Rice cake(for Ddokbukgi) Green Oinon, Onion, Green Pepper,
0.5 Spoon Red Pepper Powder, 0.8 Spoon Red Pepper Paste,
2/3 Ramen Powder, 3 cups of Water, Sesame
3. Put three cups of water in the pot and then if the water boils, put the rice cakes and ramen in the water.
6. Now, you can enjoy your food~
Do you like spicy food? Here is special food for people who like spicy food.
This is one of Korean's favorite food! Of course, you have to buy some Korean ingredients.
If you have ingredients, however, it is really easy to make.
If you feel hungry at night, you can make this easily!
This is also one of my favorite.
When I invite my friends, it's good food to treat. ^-^ They always like it!
Ramen, Rice cake(for Ddokbukgi) Green Oinon, Onion, Green Pepper,
0.5 Spoon Red Pepper Powder, 0.8 Spoon Red Pepper Paste,
2/3 Ramen Powder, 3 cups of Water, Sesame
1. Put the Rice cake in the water for few mins.
2. Slice the vegetables and set aside.

5. Cook all the ingredient.
Do you like spicy food? Here is special food for people who like spicy food.
This is one of Korean's favorite food! Of course, you have to buy some Korean ingredients.
If you have ingredients, however, it is really easy to make.
If you feel hungry at night, you can make this easily!
This is also one of my favorite.
When I invite my friends, it's good food to treat. ^-^ They always like it!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Canapes ; the easiest and prettiest appetizer
작성자: Sujin 시간: 10:20 PM 태그: French food 12 개의 댓글
Suddenly, if some of your friends unilaterally notify you to go get a party, you would get in a panic because of appetizer for beverage. (or 'cuz of your room in a mess.)
Anyways, at a time like this, there is an amazing solution not only to make them satisfied, but also to be proud of yourself, it is the French appetizer, Canape!
'Canape' is French for 'couch' and it's usually served as an appetizer with cocktail. But of course you can enjoy this snack with any beverage. Personally I recommend to enjoy with wine.
Because usually cheese is included in canape. However, you can modify ingredients of it as you like.
Actually there is not an official recipe for canapes. It means you can create it in the way whatever you want! Just, use one-bite size of bread or cracker as a base and top it with some savory garnish such as cheese, anchovy, or some rest of fruits in your refrigerator.
I think this appetizer is the easiest, prettiest, and the most colorful snack in the world. Just try it! You can be a good patissier. =)
☆ Additional Tip!
Canape is simple enough to make and it's a kind of light food, so it's pretty proper to eat for midnight snack too. What a great information it is! Isn't it? :-)
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